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Bike Storage

Learn about fixed bicycle storage around the home and garage

Storing your commuting bike can take up more space than you think, so you might want to think about racking your bike against a wall or hoist up on the ceiling of your house, apartment or workplace. There are outdoors storage options too...
In this section we have bike commuting storage buyer's guides and ideas to help you choose the best option.

How To Store A Bike In A Dorm Room

How To Store A Bike In A Dorm Room

Are you a college student struggling to find space for your bike in a cramped dorm room? Welcome to the conundrum of dorm-room bike storage โ€“ a rite of passage…

How To Store A Mountain Bike

How To Store A Mountain Bike

Storing your mountain bike properly is essential to maintaining its performance and extending its lifespan. Whether you’re a seasoned rider or a beginner, this article will give you hints and…

Bike Storage In Apartment Ideas

Bike Storage In Apartment Ideas

When you live in an apartment ๐Ÿข, your bike storage options are probably few. How do you store a bike when space is at a premium? It’s a toughie, but…

How To Store Bike On Balcony

How To Store Bike On Balcony

Storing a bike on a balcony is a practical solution for people who do not have access to a garage or a dedicated storage space. Do you need to take…

Best Garage Bike Rack

Best Garage Bike Rack

Are you and your family keen cyclists? If so, do you have a place to store bikes in your garage? Rather than leaning them all against the wall, you could…

Best Bike Hoist For Your Garage

Best Bike Hoist For Your Garage

Many people have limited storage space for their bikes. Thatโ€™s true indoors and itโ€™s often true in a garage, where vehicles, machines, workbenches, shelving and tools might compete for the…