Welcome to BikePush

Your #1 Bicycle Commuting Website

Learn more about bike commuting and urban utility cycling.
Bike commuting is fun, saves you money and helps the environment – all while keeping you fit!

Why BikePush?

Hi, I’m Mark and I started BikePush to help people with bicycle commuting and make the most of cycling around urban roads and bike paths, including:

  • Detailed guides on commuter bikes and accessories
  • Tips and tricks to get the most out of riding to work
  • Maintenance and how-to guides
  • Gear reviews without bias or sponsorship

BikePush is an urban cycling resource hub that I wish I had available to me when I started bicycle commuting.

Bike Types

Bike Types

What type of bicycle do you want to ride to work?

Do you want the speed of a road bike, or are you looking for the versatility of a mountain or gravel bike? Perhaps a hybrid “all-rounder”?

Our bikes section with the latest commuter bicycle guides.



The gear section has all the information you need for bike accessories and components for bike commuting.

You’ll be fully equipped and ready for your next urban city cycling adventure.

Cycling Knowledge


We’ve got all kinds of cycling tips and guides in our bicycle commuting knowledge section guaranteed to make city riding a lot more fun!

Popular Articles

Bike Commuting Tips

The ULTIMATE Guide To Bike Commuting (Tips For A Better Ride To Work)

Millions of commuters use bicycles as a means of transport. Cycling is good for your wallet and the environment. Perhaps you’re ……

Bike Tire Pressure

Bike Tire Pressure – How Much Air In Bicycle Tires

Many cyclists pump up their tires only when they become noticeably soft. They pump them up until they’re hard. Simple! Is ……

Where To Put Bike Lock While Riding

Where To A Put Bike Lock While Riding: 8 Smart Carrying Solutions Revealed

Millions of bicycles are stolen in the US and Europe each year. A sad fact indeed, so it’s a good idea ……

Benefits Of Bike Commuting

Benefits Of Bike Commuting: 21 Reasons That Could Change Everything

People are becoming fed up with being stuck in their cars on the daily grind to work. And now some people ……